Thursday, October 13, 2011

NIKE Free Runs 2+ Have Arrived!

Cramming for MIC 101 midterm in the morning... so tiredddd.

Jen Yee saved me by bringing me some FREE coffee from the CoHo
Thanks for sneaking it into the library for me! :)

Thanks for lunch, Minerve!

Test was harsh, but what I have been waiting for... and bugging the office everyday for has FINALLY ARRIVEEEDDDDD!!! Thank you Anna for picking it up for me!

YEEEEEE!!!! Finally some new running shoes! My old Nikes were in definite need for a replacement. Thanks, PATSON! :D :D :D

To GodBro Patson: Thank you SOOOooOOoooOOooOOooOOOo much for the shoes! I would def not have gotten these for myself. I love them very mucho and they helped me out big time for the marathon! They are so comfy, light, and pretty stylish, if you ask me! 

It's been pretty cool knowing you all these years, I guess. :P yuck. Even when you made me cry by stealing my pictures that one time. ahaha. Thanks for pushing and encouraging me to do sports in middle school and practicing football with jon, adonis and I after fellowship outside your house. OH! Also thanks for exposing me to the history of the 49ers and planting that passion I have for them to this current day. Now that I think about it, you are a pretty big part of all our lives... and I hope to keep it that way. tehe. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SHOES! I will try to win one more IM sport for you and get you a shirt. Thanks, bro! :D

With further adieu, the shoessssssss... (I took a lot of shots and angles because these shoes are only going to  be new once, and I want to document that!)

Jessica's kimchi fried rice! Yum!

Gonna take em out for a test run

Testing them out.
The free run club!

She loves matching with me

I love making pitstops on runs.
It always defeats the purpose though. oh well.

Wii Just Dance downstairs with Jasmine's friends!

Unmatching socks, as usual.

awwww yeahhhh!

NIKE Free Run2+ Club, you know it!

Got shin splints after running this night, and I'm  pretty sure it was from my failed attempt to run yesterday. And possibly because of the change in shoes today. Perfect timing, riiigght?! Lovely.

The shoes feel great though! So light, under 2 pounds for the pair!

Can't wait to use them some mo'!

Thanks Patio!

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