Sunday, June 24, 2012

Last Extended Day in SoCal

Today was pretty much a bonus day since my brother was already going home with Maurice (older bros friend).

In the morning, went to Saddleback Church with Jenn and Sally. It was a broadcast but it has live music and is held in Northwood High. So cool! They give nice notes that you can collect with a special binder. 

Sermon by Dr. John Townsend and on "Boundaries and Your Relationships." He was a guest speaker. The verse and point he focused on was "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23

How to LOVE people and not just rescuing them.

And that God's design for relationships are a balance of 2 elements:
1) GRACE (safety)
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
2) TRUTH (structure)
"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ." Ephesians 4:15

So after that, Jenn dropped Sally and I off to University Center where we waited to depart our separate ways. We got Le Dip and then she got picked up for her Dragon Boat practice. I waited around and got Peets while waiting for my bro. This was really the end of the trip with the seniors and it was sad seeing everyone go after spending so much time with everyone... it was pretty much like all day errr day kind of business. And I miss that :(

But life goes on. Bros finally come get me and we head to UCLA area to help Marina move in her stuff  to her new apartment and eat some food with them. Our 2 families used to see each other a lot. But we haven't in awhile and it was crazy seeing how Marina and Ling Ling grew up so much!

We went on a bunch of eating adventures before finally leaving LA. This fan was really making the most of it. After Ramen, they also got some snow, crepe and even wanted tapioca! All within 2 hours! haha. 

mmmm. kimchi ramen

we were just eating and he came in and just ate ramen,
i had to ask for a pic before we left!
he was flattered :)

mr cool and his snow

snake that they are bringing home. 

omg! whose huge feet are those??

i really like this pic! one last one before we leave. and yeapp... ben is taller than me now :(

Ling Ling is so big now!! The kids sleeping 

1 week in la and this is what happens

what the. money in claw machine?? 
We finally return home at like 1:30ish.

Bye Bye SoCal!

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