Monday, September 17, 2012

Missing Crepe, but Hello Salmon!

Because I have a bunch of posts loaded, but just need some commentary... I'll publish some because I feel like procrastinating.

studying at skyline's "CoHo"
just remodeled and opened this year... lucky us! it's actually quite nice

had to miss out on seaton going to berkeley to eat crepes
with some canaan folk due to my MT being 8 am the next morn
Mother made salmon though!

and some hainan styled chicken and rice!

pretty artichoke. for soup.

Yeah, I realized that I have no urge to make food now that I am at home. I really do feel like I should help out my mother and cook dinners sometime... but I don't know if they would like it.

Also, a big factor is that Safeway is not conveniently there anymore and I don't know which grocery place to shop would be the best. I want to just walk across the street like the good ole days!

Also, I am not familiar with the kitchen and don't feel like it is my kitchen in the way that it was in our old apartment. I know it sounds silly, but that is why I have no urge to cook at home. 

Maybe I am just using those as excuses and I actually am just lazy. haha. probably that one. 

But on the real, I really want to learn to cook some good food. For my future family's sake.

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