Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bookin' it to LV for Winter Break!

So close to catching up, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. haha. Oh wells.

Today was EXB lab day and I was the subject again. We were trying to measure my resting metabolic rate so I wasn't supposed to eat anything and refrain from as little physical activity as possible. I just laid there like that guy is doing below and had that tube in my mouth for breathing. It was nice, minus that mouth thing, since I was just supposed to rest and try to sleep.

Took and did TERRIBLE on my cmn 3 midterm... embarrassing, I know. But I got saved by the Professor since she is letting me drop the course with a No Works Submitted. Gosh she's a cool professor. Hope to take her next quarter when I take the class more seriously.

Subway Club. Still not sick of Subways :)

Trying out my bike, wooohooo! Don't be scared!

Walked home all the way from campus! Then we bumped into Mr. Handsome on the way.

Jess' Korean dinners and Kidney noodles from home!


Some of my hot housemates went out for some fun tonight. Dang they are such hotties! ahahha. I went downstairs and came back up to them ready to go out. So fast! Look so good though ;)

Alsooooo... this week, they were having some crazy good deals through southwest airlines. $35 airplane tickets within 600 miles! So cheap! Greyhound in the summer was already $58 or something. I felt like I should go somewhere to take advantage of this spectacular deal...

And I guess all quarter my peers have been talking about Vegas and everything and it sounds like it would be a lot of fun! Like one of those milestones that you have to hit in the journey through life... and I'm always down for adventures like that. I don't think going with my HS friends would be a good idea for that since they are a little too crazy for me, and that closeness bond isn't really there anymore compared to Davis folk.

It took me awhile to decide and I didn't buy the tickets til like 1130 at night and the deal expired at 12. Tiff and Minerva generously invited me to go with them and their HS friends. I didn't want to intrude but they said it would be okayyy.. and their friends all seem pretty nice and fun, so after much contemplation, I decide to just go with them. Ellen and her friends are also going to be there at the same time too! I'm pretty stoked! tehehehe.  I hope their friends will like me and won't mind me being there :/

Going there is super cheap, $35! But this is actually my first time buying airplane tickets by myself, so I got to make a SW account! I know, I don't get out often. If I were to come back on Sat then it would also be  $35-40ish, but Minerve said Sat nights is where it's at. So I guess since I'm already going, and I don't know when I will go back, we just dished out a little more moneys to stay one more night. Yes, Tiffany Wong persuaded me to stay. This is a rare occasion for her to persuade something like this, so of course you gotta listen!

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