Thursday, October 6, 2011

Measuring My Fat & Cap-i-tans Meeting

 So after staying up for most of the night with Seatonian, we finally finish our terrible lab reports and my lovely boyfriend, Jennifer, gets Ellen and I a footlong from Subways. ahahha. Yeah I said it, you're the boy ;D hehehe. jk.

But FINALLLLYYYY, i've been waiting to watch these highlights for the longest time. As I expected, it was awesome. WOOHOOO! Niners winning makes me very happy!


First time taking the bus this year. Boo. Sucks to wait. Go away rain!

So here I am in EXB 104L lab #2 and its goal was to get us accustomed to measuring BMI with calipers (pinchy things) and we also got to use the more accurate dunk tank to give another reading.

We needed 2 male and female volunteers, but no females wanted to do it. Whe I heard about thses kinds of labs in the past, I thought everyone would want to volunteer. Free and accurate measurements! But I guess not. 

I was already planning to volunteer but then the TA said that you would have to be comfortable wearing a bathing suit and letting classmates touch and pinch your fat. I hesitated, but saw that no one else was raising their hands, so I just volunteered. ahahha. So yeap. Get ready for some fatso pictures.

We have a very passive class, which I guess is lucky for me because I would love to be the subject for all the experiments. harrrharrr harrr. 

I did the skin fold pinching first, but I didn't get any pictures of it. So be warned in the pictures to come that it will show some of the areas I get pinched.

We also measure residual volume of the lungs (shown below) where we try to breath out all the O2 that we can.

Thanks for helping me take pics, Seaton! He pinched me at my love handles. Lol. That was strange. For the most part, the girl in my group did most of the pinching. But I didn't mind the boys to do it too since I did volunteer and I didn't want them to miss out on the experience. It wouldn't be fair.

The dunk tank was next where my fill body is submerged and I try to blow all the air out of me underwater. My head was about to blow sometimes. And some water went up my nose. But the less air in you the more accurate. Did it 3x and got the readings.

I got my measurements, which I will not say on here. But let's just conclude that I need to stop eating bad food at late hours and that more running is necessary. hehe.

 *** BE WARNEDDDDD!!!! ***

aha. I just want to document this cool day of lab so imma just put it all out there. Besides, I've had worse beach pictures anyways.

But what is shown below is just some of the areas they marked and pinched me. It's the areas where the fat of people are most likely to reside.

There were 6 places: Thigh, triceps, tummy, top of hip (handles), shoulder blade, area by ribs.

Tried studying for micro after, but just fell asleep

Stayed for frisbee mtg and this too

Riley came to pick us up afterwards. The meeting ended at around 10 and we were pretty hungry so we went to In and Out after.

We realized that the 4 of us were also the captains for the 4 Compass IM sports, which we thought was pretty cool! 

EXTRA EVERYTHINGGGG! The only way to go! (ahemm.. Jenn)

He makes food LOOK and SOUND so good!

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