Wednesday, October 5, 2011

UCDMC Orthotics Internship & Biking in the Rain + KimChi Jjigae and RIP Steve Jobs

So it was the first day of internship today and it starts at 8 am at the UCDMC, which means I have to catch the shuttle on campus at 7am, which means I have to start biking at 6 am. I was not excited when I heard the rain the night before, but in the morning only the floor was wet and it wasn't that cold. Thanks for lookin out, Godskii. Hopefully the weather doesn't get worse than it is now because there is no Unitrans that brings you to campus that early.

Slept on the bus and arrived at the MC. Didn't know what to expect but when I finally found it in the basement, I was shocked to see what I did not usually see for these kinds of internships. It was like a toy factory making kind of things with all these tool machines. It looked like a workshop. I later find out that the Orthotics guy I follow, Peter, sometimes has to make molds and such for the patients. Hopefully I get to help in the future. He seems like a cool guy and everyone else seems to like him too.

We start going on rounds where we just go to wherever people send orders for braces, burn victims, or anything that needs temporary repair. I didn't get to see any burn patients or drastic things today, but I just help but knee braces on people who got their knees completely removed. Sheesh ka bobs!

I'm really looking forward to this internship, the time blew by and I wasn't sleepy at all! Seeing that I'm not a morning person. It really does seem hands on and I like looking at gross things, so hopefully I get to see more gory stuff in the future. Peter is also engaging and wants his volunteers to learn, so that is also a blessing. No office or beds in the place, so I don't have to file or clean beds.

I actually didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay longer because there were more interesting cases lined up, but I had to get to Linguistics class. Bleh. I always sleep here anyways... Seriously though, it has only been a day so I don't want to set my hopes too high... but I am really looking forward to this internship!

I totally got this internship through the grace of God I feel. I know it's silly, but I feel that it's true. Like I've mentioned before, I was stupid to go to the meeting late and got dropped because I deserved it. I was freaking out because I feel like I just wasted my chance. But I somehow got the spot back by going to the waitlist meeting. The guy who went up right before me also wanted Orthotics, but for the timeslot after... and someone just took that before him.

For real though, I did not deserve this internship one bit. I didn't place its importance to heart and I just stepped all over this opportunity. In this way, we do the same with God's love. We often forget how rare, precious, and how perfect it is. It's the best thing we can receive and we just step ALL over it without realizing what we are doing. Getting back this internship reminded me of that. Because I got it back, I really thanked God for giving me a second chance. This little fiasco is so little in comparison to the second chance He gives us in this lifetime. We, especially I, do not deserve it one bit... but time and time again, my Godskii continues to show me underved grace... So please Tiffany Tam, please stop mistreating perfect opportunities. I need to be more serious about my choices in life and how I treat our loving God. He is so good and patient with me. It's about time I start reciprocating. Get on it!

Here are some verses about Grace that I would like to keep in mind for the week:

"As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."    -1 Peter 5:10

 "Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were thus occupied were not benefited."   -Hebrews 13:9     (true that!)

Oops, forgot to blog about the rest of the day. Here it is:

Like my title said, I biked in the rain. I didn't think that fixies/road bikes can handle the rain, but it's been so good so far. I just try to go a little slower. It's hard to see sometimes with rain splashing in me eyeballs. But it was realllllyyyyy cold today, and when I got home... it looked like I sharted. Ellen was ROFLing. ahahaha. I also felt like a loser all day with my outfit and glasses. What a joyous occasion.

Oh yeah, for the rest of the night... Seaton and Jenn came over and we killed time for the most part. I'm really trying to update this blog. Seaton bought us a Milk tea blizzardd from OTH!!! Yum! NSG seems to be going well, wooohooo! The freshies are pretty cool,  I like em a lot!

ANNNDDDDD!!! Minerva made us full on brown rice with KimChi Jjigae, it was delicious!!! That reminded me of how Rebecca made it for us for the first time for a small group dinner 2ish years ago. I was pretty unfamiliar with Korean food, but fell in love after that! There was also those finely sliced meat that was wrapped with the enoki mushroom. MMMmmMMmm! I miss her wildness and our small group time that year. It was encouraging to meet every time that we did. Good times. Hopefully my SG felt that way last year. And will feel that way this year...

A lot happened today, most importantly... the co-creator of Apple, Steve Jobs passed away at a young age of 56. Great man, great mind. He reinvented imagination and creativity in technology...  I wonder what the future of Apple is going to be like... may he rest in peace. He deserves it. I hope that his family and friends will be supported during this time. Death is so surreal sometimes... :/

*Sigh*... I always do this when I have to write a paper, lab report in this case... that is due. But it was good to reflect. Til tomorrow! So long!

Here are some pictures to accompany my long text.

Bikes at 650 in the morning to catch this

tehehe. I always sleep in here.

New branch of the MC. Very pretty.

My lovely outfit. I should enter a pageant. Tiff Wong works it better though.  

Where I will be for the next 10 weeks

Some neck supports

Little workshop down here!

Poor Chicken!

Waiting to head back to D-town

The clouds have been so prettyyyy!

Crunch wrap supreme

CMN 3 book

Introducing Jenn to Hart

Biking in the rain...

Front View

Back View. ahahhaha! No fender. Looks like i sharted. Ellen got quite a laugh.

mmmm. Dinner by Minerves!

KimChi Jjigae!!!

Sweet potato fries!

This is us trying to be productive, I was actually updating this post at this time. haha.

Actually excited for the stuff I got people from Kaiser!


Seaton's generous treat!

Taking crazy pics

These suck really bad...

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