Saturday, October 1, 2011

Matthew Soccer, NIKE Shoppin and Thai Dinner

PHACin it in the morning. YAY! There is nothing like a sausage mcmuffin to start off the day!

The night before I always dread going to Paul Hom cuz it usually takes up most of the Saturday and I have been trying to have ARC Sats with Mattio. It's hard when PHAC takes up every other weekend. 

Anyways, when I get there I remember why I like it. My Canto still needs a lot of work, esp with medical terms... but helping patients def make me happy. I worked with this one pt in particular who was having swollen ankles and leg pains. She was one of the nicest patients I've had. And just chatting and trying to help her out reminded me of why I do PHAC. She is starting to have arthritis though :(



Didn't get to have any :(

BOGO with Seaton after. I'm getting a little sick of Jamba.
He's never had mango a gogo... say whaaat?!

i love clouds! God's artwork is the best there is!

Seaton and I rush back for Matthew's soccer game that is conveniently behind Sorrento. Howe, Riley and Yao are the coaches. Oh my goodness... these little boys are soooo tiny! and they just run around chasing the little ball. It's like the most CUTEST thing ever!!!! GAHHHH! ADORABLE TO THE MAX!

I'm glad we got the chance to at least see one of his games. He's showing SO MUCH improvement! Every time I play against him, I end up eating grass. Embarrassing, I know. Soccer is just not my thing. haha.

Keep it up Matthew! He's become such a tanned little boy that he was hard to spot.

Proud Dad/coach

Coach Riley!

SO CUTE! All star!

With the mini pro!

So marvelous, once again.

You should play QB for us :)


Chris had a coupon for Nike so we gather some girls and go for a quick trip to Vacaville.

i ended up getting one to match w lucy

Chris and all her kids

pretty but expensive

Daniel with the ladies

We eat at TASTE of THAI for Ngoc's birthday. She reserved a night for her Compass friends. 

It was a nice and yummy dinner. And UNLIMITED THAI ICED TEA for only $2.50!!! Good quality too!

Lindsay is a cutey piE!

my mom wishin her a happy bday


Spent a Saturday night cleaning. Joy.

COMPASS IMs, here we come!!!

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