Thursday, February 23, 2012

SG Dessert Pizza and Ed's Birthday Surprise

[this was actually posted on the day of]

What's going on with this blog?!

Sorry for the lack of updates... it's gotten a bit busy and uploading pictures can take awhile, seeing that I take a gazillion pics a day. I constantly tell myself, if I take less pictures, then there will be less to upload. But we all know how that turns out...

But yeah, I will try to update soon... maybe. But just may not post allll the pics, since that is what takes the most time. Maybe I will just pick the top 3 of each day. But we shall see. When it is less busy.

I miss blogging though!

Hopefully I can get in some posts within the week.

Hope everyone is having a good winter quarter so far. The weather has been amazing...

[Present day 3/10/12]

Now to the pictures...

helping out cynthia... best volunteering experience everrr!!!
thank you so much for asking!!!
free shirt, so much free food and even better company, woohoo!

DC for dinner for SG tonight, thanks again Winnie! Checked menu and they said that they had dessert pizza, I know Tiff Chan likes it and I think it's pretty good too. So we head to DC for some SG and then go to Winnie's Primero Grove apartment after to chit chat! Not only did we talk about chap 5, wedding hopes and dreams was also a fun topic. 

what we came for

getting a little more used to getting pics taken of them... haha

quick quicklys visit

for edward


group pics!

*sighhh...* graduation is fast approaching... :( We have really got to get a move on with our senior trip plans...


We don't understand how you always dress so nice. But maybe it's because the rest of us dress like bums that you stand out like a sore thumb. haha. jk. But for real... thanks for your always kind and generous heart and your natural tendency to want to help others. You're a great bro! Thanks for all that you do. Your cooking is also breathtaking... YUMMMMM~~~

Hope you had a great BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!


  1. I miss reading your blog!

  2. awwwww. thanks. it's semi revived for you! still working on it though. who is this btw?
