Friday, December 2, 2011


So today is actually Dec 12 and I am only now on this date. At this point, I just want to be caught up, so I will really keep my text at a minimum. I kinda falling asleep again but i just want 1 post in, so sorry if it's incomprehensible. 


worst class ever

Trees all naked now. Looks pretty though. It's been cold, but as long as its still sunny and not too windy and NO rain, then it's not so bad.

Lucy and I are waiting for our ride from Victoria as we are about to head to Costco for some ginger shopping.

This little girl has a caffeine addiction... from coke, to starbucks.. to...? Be careful!

i like how my shadow is kinda in this

thanks handy cart pushers!

Red Robin for an early dinner after! I've never eaten so quickly there before, and with so little refills. It's for the better though, didn't leave as gross as I usually do.

Lucy has gotten to know us well so she knows we all for leftovers. She gives me hers to bring to wong.

fish eye is so funny, i love it!

egg in a gourmet burgerr?!?! pretty goood...
Lucy's fav burger

Here is to a successful prayer meeting! There was a good amount of people charing and is always great to hear what people have learned this past year. How they have grown and how Compass has affected their life. I was thinking of something to say all night but couldn't get it out. Everyone was saying such great things. Very happy to see.

Most of what I wanted to say was already said. I just wanted to say something along the lines of how this fellowship has become my home away from home. Corny, but true. It's comforting, I can be myself, there are very encouraging bros and sis and it just feels like a family when Im there. We have really great underclassmen, very thankful. I think Compass will be in great hands once we graduate.

Gingerbread Success! YAY! 

Let the pics do the talking. Homemade frosting. Thanks ladies!

Was a little bit stressful thinking if we had enough of what we needed to create these houses and if people would come, but everything worked out. It usually does. Since PM had a good amount of people, a majority of those same people were all down to hang out after and all came here. The boys had their own meat party at Ed's and brought over their yummy creation after. I think the only drawback from these events is that we develop a financial debt, but as long as the peoples are having a good time, the debt doesn't seem as bad.

Some of my more fav pics below. Full album on fb!

commander in chief

allll yolk


The senior class LOVES photoshoots, but after tonight... it seems like at least all the girls now seem to like it. hehe. fun fun!


here comes boy with meat castle!

care package from Jessica Lo!
Thankssss! It's loaded!!! mmmmm!
I hope everyone had fun tonight! 

The girls started getting giggly and crazy around, must have been for the snacking of candies. yes!

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