Sunday, August 14, 2011

Another Miraculous Win & A Special Alum Visit

Went to church today. Attended the Sunday school instead of Chinese service with my parents. It was def a nice change.

We went over Proverbs 14:24 (other verses too, but I forgot) "The wealth of the wise is their crown, but the folly of fools yields folly." What I got from this is kind of that the person you are depends on the company that you keep. This was a nice lesson since I haven't been reading much of the Bible recently. I really need to get on top of that. 

We also talked about giving into sin and temptation. I took that as I sign that I should challenge myself to try and not take in alcohol til I'm 21 in November. I guess I kind of cheated already, but I think this last stretch is the hardest, so I will take on this challenge anyways. I usually like being the youngest in most situations, this is the only time where it does suck a little. No biggie though. It would be fun to stay young as long as possible. This is the last fun milestone...

I predict that they will be married

Too cute

AHHHH! Cuteness overload!!!!

They know how to exit

Lunch time. Hello hanna & alex!

Softball Playoff Game

Mother took this pic. I like it.
I think the blur adds to the effect. tehe.

No biggie. hehe. jk.

Ouch for the right hammy

Slid to 3rd. I dont usually slide, cuz I don't really know how.
But in this league I did it twice. Pretty fun. Sucks for the
legs though

Bring me home, Liz!

Aww Yeahhh


What the? We won!

My goodness, I know this is completely the wrong attitude, but I was 95% sure we were going to lose this game. I rescheduled my PHAC day to play this weekend to finish off the season, but we surprisingly won! It was a pretty fun game. They did not have big macho hitters, so the teams were more even. I think this may have been the best game of softball I have ever played thus far in my life, offensively and defensively. The ball actually went to where I wanted to hit it. And I got a good number of outs playing 3rd and shortstop. It was fun! I pulled my hamstring even more during warmups so it kinda sucked during the game while I was limping-ly running around the bases.

In case I forget to write about it, I was not able to make it back to the game the following week. They only lost by 1 against the #1 team. I do feel really bad for not making it, but I heard it was pretty difficult to get people to play anyways. Boo. It would have been cool because our team is full of new players, the championship would have been nice for them. Better luck next year! Oh! And benwong did good in that game, maybe he plays better when I am not there. It was interesting playing on the same team with him.

I don't know why I write so much. *sigh...* 

Group Celebration at Eggettes! As usual.

oh myyy

The best dao fu fah!

Yummm! More mong yew made by mother.

Rematch. I won this time.
Need to go back for the tiebreaker.

Dang our car was heavy.
Wong and I bring back our fridge every time!

Bringing a little bit something extra
back to Davis this time ;D

tickling her neck! ahahaha

She's more ticklish than me!
Yay! A victim to distract my bro from me. haha.

Bye! And he is still trying to tickle.

It got pretty hot back there

Welcome back to Davis!!!

Webcammin with Jenn

hahlo there!

Queen Rebecca comes to Davis to stay with us for a week. Let the good times roll!

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