Thursday, November 3, 2011

McDs… Again?! + Women's SG Clasher

I'm downstairs too much. haha. We get McDonald's breakfast... AGAIN! ahaha. I think we want to die young, but we can't help it since its SO GOOD! Shannon was studying for NUT 10 while i was trying to write my report. Yuck. But YUM to McDs!

waiting to get devoured

woke up to the smell of sausage mcmuffins and hashbrowns. What could be better?

OMG! I was actually matching with the model who actually gave blood! haha. I felt to honored for a split second

she does her thing

... and BAM! back to her model self while i go to school in sweats. it was nice while it lasted.


she missed her bus and asked our trusty late to school shuttle service

Here we are in lab again where we did the infamous WINGATE Test to measure our maximum power. We have 30 seconds on that bike on a fixed weight depending on your poundage, and we pedal as fast as we can. ALL OUT SPRINT! Lemme tell you, it will be one of the longest 30 seconds you will ever experience. All is good for the first 10 seconds, then your legs freeze up and it gets incredibly hard to keep biking. The last seconds are like you pedalling up an almost vertical hill. Yeap, it's pretty intense. Supposedly its because our anaerobic glycolysis stores are getting depleted. A student actually hurled from this test in another lab.

Afterwards your body and legs feel like jelly. My first trial was a fail because the girl failed to set up the computer, so I had to wait again to do it at the end. It really takes all the energy out of you. But def fun to see your results, esp compared to your classmates. They played nice pump up music for us and the whole class cheers, that was exciting.

My goal was to beat Seaton, and i did. hehehehe. Sorry seaton!

i think oliver was the winner.

resting carie

seaton! push it!

Here's a video of me doing it, if it works...


Mwahahaha. I told you I had an overkill of McDonalds. Jenn packed it for me, so I ate this leftover from breakfast. I did pretty good on the Wingate seein as how I have just been eating McDonalds all week. But really, I feel gross. haha. I haven't ran or really exercised since the marathon and I have been eating all kinds of bad foods. IMs dont count, it's too short of a time to do anything.

It's hard to believe I used to have 2 hours of lax practice everyday and now I do nothing but eat.  I also don't even know where all that time went and how I was able to do anything when I had practice. Time management. Yikes, i need to get back out there and do something!

We had an ALL-GIRLS Small group joint this week. We wanted to go bowling, but someone else reserved so we did a movie and nail night at our apartment instead.

Some of the girls watched Princess and the Frog while others just chatted around the table eating and painting nails. Thanks for the food Shannon and Jenn!

Our class was still struggling to come up with a theme for broomball. The idea was floating around all night but we never did anything about it. ahaha. So typical of our class.

The girls filtered out little by little until there were only Colleen and Lucy left. We played monodeal and then the best game ever... MAHJONG! 

i feel like a girl! so strange.

of course, seaton surrounded by a sea of females

great shot with shannon's cam, jennifoh! :)

sleepy teefy in the back. she wasn't feeling too hot but still wanted to be near us, i suppose. haha.

I just updated 4 posts in a row! Oh how I love the mac keyboards at Hart. Sighhh.. I should have been doing something more productive, but I just couldn't resist. Off to MIC 101 while i killed time in between classes.

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