Saturday, November 19, 2011

T'was the Night of my 21st! [Part II]

We get seated outside and it is alright at first, but then it starts getting all rainy and windy. I feel like it always rains on this day. Thanks Guys! They endured the chilliness on that side while we were under the heaters. What manly men we have. aha. :D Thanks tho!!!

This is going to be the longest blog ever. It took a good amount of time too. Get your popcorn and maui chips ready!

heya riley!

Edmond buys me my first 21 year old drink! They didn't card since he bought it at the bar. I believe it was a Pink Cadillac. Don't remember what's in it. But it was pretty good. Thanks Eddy-mond!

lol. He even got one for my mother.


alcohol is expensive for the amount you get... but they do come in pretty cups


pic with the girls end

eating some of t's nice and warm chilly to help w/ the cadillac

rainyyy in the back

mother got 3rd place in the turkey trot back home for striders! GJ! She'd own me in power walking any day.


bro's bacon cheeseburger

i got a mini pizza with half BJs fav and great white. It came out a little smaller than expected, but i didn't want others to pay too much anyways so it worked out. I love BJs pizzzzaaaaa. Im so hungry as im drooling over these pics right nowwww in harttt. hahah. delirioussssss.

mango cake from red ribbon. Thanks, mum!

FREE PIZOOOOKIE! Did they get smaller, or did I get bigger? I think both.

A lot of pictures with the cake and vampire are about to come. Beware!

growing up so fast!

the boys

lol edmond


Group picture, Thanks for coming everyone!

fighting over the FREE PIZOOKIE!

so many free things that night. Just how I like it! Thanks BJs :)
And 'good' move by riley for cancelling it at the right time.

Ladies Pic

while the boys go crazy. haha. Savage mode.

yummm benno!

I really should be doing more productive things, but I spend a lot of my time blogging nowadays. It's much easier to type out my thoughts and feelings on here, so I will try to do some shout outs now that I have some individual pics with you meaningful people in my life :)

I knew taking so many of these kinds of pics would come in handy one day.

The Taiwanese superstar, Shanna Mok. I can't believe you are graduating so soon, but I am glad we got to spend some time with you before that day. Thanks for your hospitality in socal that one summer, it was more than appreciated. And it was great supporting you for tennis. WOOOHOOOO!!! Congrats on that Wall! Way to make a statement before you leave this place. But remember you're always welcomed back! Maybe you will even find a job in norcal... ;D

Oh Ngoc... dorm buddy since freshmen year. Thanks for the dress and always making it out to my birthdays. I still remember the convos we had wayyy back then when we were walking to the rally at aggie stadium and all our DC dates. It's never boring when you're around since you always find something to trip on. hehehe. jk! But it's been fun getting through college with you!

Teeeeefany Wong... sheesh. This shout out thing may take awhile. maybe I should do it for a graduation post at the end of the year instead. hehe. jk. Where to start with you... first off, I guess... thanks for putting up with me. haha. You've pretty much seen it all and you're still friends with me :D Thanks for always making me laugh, encouraging me, letting me abuse you, but mostly for loving me for me. tehe. I think. Ew. Gross. *baarrrffff* But you've become a pretty big part of my life and I hope to never lose you even though you have a lot of people in your life, being the amazing person that you are. :) I can say so much more, but this is public, so i'll keep it as that for now. So glad that I went to Compass to get to meet a star as rare as you! College would have been so boring without you... LOVE YOU TEEF, also my first really good sister in Christ!!! <3

and... i shoulda totally caked you! it's in position!

thanks for EVERYTHING Mother!
You're the most selfless and patient person I know. I hope that when I grow up that I can be even half of what you are now. That's already a lot. Thank you for all the surprises and always cooking for us. You have sacrificed so much for us and we really appreciate it.
Love you so much mommy! <3

Miss Attitudey T-sha! Thanks for coming out and partaking in this festive night with me! Pretty funny how a silly sport like badminton and the dreadful class that is statistics has brought us to this point today. Thanks for the rides and baked gooods. Oh! And for the endless times of laughter and joy that you have brought into my life, esp this past year. Your sarcasm and wit is greatly appreciated. I'm also really happy that you decided to come out more before you graduate. I hope that you enjoyed our presence as well :) Please visit us when you're all successful later on. We've got to get our BR fix! haha.

Annalicious! One of housemates that I am going to miss so dearly after graduation. Thanks for always helping me out in school and for your words of encouragement. Linguistics would be even more awful than it is now without you. I enjou your enthusiasm for our house and interhouse events. It's fun. Thanks Anna! I apologize for my mess sometimes

CHERYLLLLLLLL aka Mama-C-Tah! YOU KNOW! ahahaha. It was such a pleasure getting to know you in small groups last year. It's so great to see your happiness with the people in the fellowship and your curiosity. You've also because quite the baker! You don't remember me walking you to the bus after our first meeting, but I do! And it's so great to see how our friendship has developed since then!

SHANYUNNNN! I can't believe it's just this year that I have gotten to know you better. I was always intimidated by you before. Prob because you're always so beautiful and smell so nice and I always look like a bum with stinky lines coming from my head. hehe. I enjoy those late nights we have staying up and doing nothing and i like listening to you burp and the food stories you have to share. You're always a great image of what a Godly woman should be like. You need to whip us into shape! I look forward to getting to know you more this year! mmmmmmm... you always smell soooo niiiice :)

love me familia!

BENSON BENNO WONG! Lol. yes, those are none of your names but you let us call you that anyways. Mother tells us stories about you, but you always seem to drop it once we come home. I hope that you will always be this excited to see us at home and wont be too cool for your Gah Jeah in the future. Love you benno! The best little bro an older sister can ask for. So creative, smart, funny and thoughtful. I have high hopes that you will be a very good boy in the future. You have a heart as big as your transformer collection, if not bigger, even though you mask it by your stubborn, cool shell. Don't outgrow us benson!

Eddymond... thanks for getting me my first drink. That was very nice of you. Although you can be abusive sometimes, thank you for having control over situations and for always giving good advice. You're a good pal who is willing to drop what you're doing to help out a friend (unless you're playin SC2... haha. jk) but for real. Thanks for being such a good pal! And for also buying my mother a drink. haha.

the 106 BOYS!!! There is too much to say, so these will be kinda brief.
Matt- you make the funniest comments and you don't even know it. Thanks for always being willing to help out in everything and for heading the ARC visits with me! You're such a cuddly teddy bear!
Kevin- oh Daiiii Haooooo! College would def not has been as loud without you. But I love the loudness that we reach when we are together. You make photoshoots a ton of fun and our competitivness is always fun. Thanks for bringing all the laughter and loudness into our lives. No sarcasm intended.
Nate- hello childhood friend. You always help me when I need it, no questions asked. I appreciate it :)
Anson- you are an interesting one. But it makes life interesting. You're always fun to talk to.
Seatonian!- my EXB Buddy! I seriously would have died... even worse... without you. haha. you sit through all my mumbo jumbo, complaining, whining, un-ladilike features... i applaud you for enduring all that. hehe. I love how you have the image being our dad... you always take care of us and make sure everyone is doing okay. Thanks for being such a big part of my life and always putting up with me. I like your white capris! hhehehe. Asia was def a lot of fun with you!
Riley- my football and other chinese buddy! Thanks for driving us, even though we are late a lot of the time. It's always really easy to talk to you. And thanks for takin care of my bro sometimes. Watching the NINERS kick butt is always very eventful and exciting. Superbowl this year... i hope so! Let's waatch!!

You boys are a lot of fun. So grateful that we are neighbors and enjoy each others company :D

MINERVEEEEE! I gave you a shoutout before, so I apologize if I repeat. It's always so much fun when we are together because we can be really similar sometimes. Thanks for always cooking and making food for me! I like how we savage through snacks together and laugh about the same things. You're a little too dirty for me sometimes, but other than that, i think you're a lot of fun. thehehe. Seriously such a bomb cook! Look forward to more memories with you!

ELISE! Hey there you track star! Thanks for coming out to my birthday tonight and gettin all fancied up! I also enjoyed having you in my small group last year and it was so encouraging to hear how you have grown when you shared at retreat. I hope that you continue to grow in Christ and continue to be excited about Bible study. It's our senior year, let's hang out more! Looking forward to our senior trip though... and seeing you rap in Karaoke!

And the last but definitely not least... Miss JENNIFOHHHHH SUM! Well... i'm kinda tired from all the typing and thinking i've been doing, so imma just say... Thanks for a memorable 21st birthday! You're the best! :D

Ahahahha... im totally joking. I ca picture you wanting to throw something at your laptop screen right now. hehehehe. I wish I could have made it more dramatic, but oh well. But i hope you had a good half birthday! It's crazy how I just have gotten close to you this year. I barely knew who you were last year! haha. One of those relationships that happen too fast too soon, as Rebecca says? haha. I dunnooo.. it can still happen... but I traveled with you through Asia and you haven't gotten on my nerves [that much] yet. tehehe. I hope that our friendship continues to grow toward Christ and that we will be able to support each other in whatever our future endeavors does to challenge us. I've enjoyed getting to know you. Thanks for always being so hospitable, kind, selfless, thoughtful and loving. Thank you so much in your hardwork in planning this night, you were probably dying from stress, but you hid it nicely. I can say so much more, but you already know what would come out. Thanks for always being there for me! :D <3

Oh man, that took forever! I hope you all enjoyed it! :)

enough with the pics, onward with the slicing!

eeeeks. bill.

cool guys

We decide to head on over to this bar lounge place called Parlare in Sac. This is def not going to be a ritualistic thing, just thought since this happens once in a lifetime... why not right?! 

I've got it under control though, no worries. I admit that I did drink before this age, but I stopped after early Sophomore year (minus it being legal in HK) and didn't want to again til I actually turned 21 in America. Even though there were a lot of temptations this past summer since most of my friends were already of age, I worked hard to not partake. It may seem silly, but I just wanted to test my self control, since I have very little. I'm proud of myself that I was able to accomplish this little self-booster for myself.

I was also debating whether to put these coming pictures on private, but just decided to post them anyways. There is nothing to hide since we all just drank moderately and def not over the limit. We all have fun together without alcohol anyways, but this was the first time we actually went out to celebrate one of these things. It was fun but I agree that our class doesn't need alcohol to have fun. Which is the beauty of us :) 

But just for this night.. we do go out to experience what it is like a little bit. With great supervision by none other than.... our father... SEATON NG! hehe.

first time in one of these places

using my ID!

Such a pretty drink!
Midori Sour from Chris! Thanks!

After watching the others drink this in the summer, I finally get one for myself!

Strange chair

Dance floor upstairs

Great capture, Jennifer!

riley thinks he's spiderman or something

Oh! I have a little more shout outs to give who couldn't come tonight...

Queen Rebecca- thanks for trying to come out to celebrate with me. You were getting me excited about this day for a good part of this year.. haha. But it's okay.. I'm sure we will see each other again to catch up and stuff. Hope you are doing well!

Super cool roommate Ellen Zhang- thanks to you too for also coming to come minus the friend incident. Thanks for helping with the makeup and for always being such a thoughtful rooomate. hehe. I'm going to miss your presence so much in that apartment :( Dont leave ussssss! No more story time :( you always have such fun stories! I also like how our room lounges in our room til the late afternoon! Love you Ellen!

Thanks for such an eventful night everyoneeeeee!!! I enjoyed every second of it and will never forget any of it! The best friends that any girl can ask for...
(Esp now that I have this blog. hehe.)

I love you all very much! :D

Best birthday ever! F'realz!

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